BlackBerry OS 10 Rolled Out

BlackBerry Mobile is up with great hype in Indian market, figures speaks for it. Their's a drastic increase in BlackBerry sales over the past few years. Everyone this days like's to socialize and now indeed many are having a medium 
that's Blackberry Messenger from which you can be in touch with anyone anywhere in the world. While this is a great feature but in this heavily Tech world, some pretty OS's in market which have created a great Impression. I guess till now you must have an idea what i'm talking about its the  iOS & Android. So BlackBerry also sneaking some major changes to makes its OS more responsive that's the reason it has jumped form OS7 to OS10. BlackBerry Developer Site claims to be a Open Platform.BlackBerry currently rolled out OS 10 for Developers and is offering pretty nice varieties of option according to individuals taste. Looks like BlackBerry is gearing up for serious competition.
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