How To Start Blogging with Blogger

Blogging with Blogger is really simple one can quickly adapt it. After reading this post you will find blogger really easy to adjust with. Read the following points carefully.
Create a account in Blogger. After Login you will have this page. This page is known as Dashboard

Every point is explained according to it roll & importance so please read carefully.

1) New Post - Whenever you want to compose a post just click on New post, write a suitable title , content about as per your subject. Now you know how to write a post now you can write as many you want.
Preview-  Just Check by hitting preview button, how your page looks. After checking the preview everything is good to go now Publish you post.
Publish- You have to publish your post so it live on your blog.

2) Edit Post
By the name itself you know its just editing the post which was written previously. Like Fonts, adding lines, media, etc

3) Comments
Now you have started writing own posts, so if any one wants to ask you anything they will comment on the post which you can check here in Comments.One more thing, You can also monitor Spams in Comments.
4) Settings 
Setting is vast topic, right now you don't need it. I have planned a full detected post for Setting covering every aspect of Setting.

5) Design 
Design lets you customise templates make it look better and manage it. Like Layouts, Background, Gadgets, Templete Design, Edit HTML .This is a shot introduction, many more post will give a detailed idea. So no need to rush i don't want to confused you placing everything together on the table. So now you have a basic idea what Design is.

6) Monetise 
Money Money Money every one likes it right?. This could be the main reason your creating a blog. There's nothing wrong about it "Knowledge is Wealth", sharing your skills gives earning, that encourage's a blogger to write more indeed. But
Monetising should always be secondary, primary focus is optimum content that would drive you traffic. In Blogger you get a inbuilt option for Google Adsense, you have to apply for it, Adsense have strict policies to should have a look here.
Once you have a approved you can start posting Ads. Obviously i'ill be explaining a advanced post on Google Adsense.

7) Stats
Stats stands for Statistic, Stats let you monitor your Traffic, Visits, Audience (Geo Location) , Posts Stats, Popular Posts, Traffic Sources.
a) View Blog
The main & simple  view blog after completing your post or editing just hit View Blog like mine. 

This was short introduction to Blogger interface now reading this you have a idea how thing works, Now it be much simpler to get the Advance Post for each topic.
Comment & Subscribe to catch the $$$ 

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