Tips to Save your Facebook Account from getting hacked

Hacking Facebook is becoming trend and its raising immensely, everyday thousands of accounts are getting hijacked, guess Why? because we allow them to hack. Being lethargic for Login details is the first invitation for hackers. Keeping Security Question as Mom or dad home town or pet name is
like"OMG I Have keep very hard questions No body can predict it hahah i'm so smart" Well if you think or are under this impression you are not so smart, this type of questions are really 
simple to crack, keeping some thing which you will never talk in front of anyone and not easily predictable is best practice to keep in mind. Like if you asked A security question  mom dads home town keep it "Amazon56#@" (WARNING:THIS IS JUST TO EXPLAIN DON'T USE IT) i know this is not your parents home town but trust me this will do what the original won't Save You. Try keeping something mixture of Upper Case, Lower Case, Number, Symbol. Of course most important NOT TO CLICK ANY SUSPICIOUS LINKS.
Facebook has given facility for Privacy Setting there's option of Security 

Facebook Security Option
Add your mobile numbers and email  for updates to keep an track for you account 
You can set the number of device you want to login through rest device wont work.
Check your active sessions if you find something suspicious cancel the sessions 
Set permission in tagging, your profiles visible to friend or everyone.
You can also block anyone 

This is are very basic step of precautions to avoid your account getting hacked.
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